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Posted by morpheus in hydropower.


The operation of the reservoir follows a certain procedure so that the competing water users would be able to get their equitable share based on the agreed policy such as the amount allocated to each user. Water allocation is usually dictated by rule curve that is derived from historical data of river flows and water demands. A rule curve shows the minimum water level requirement in the reservoir at a specific time to meet the particular needs for which the reservoir is designed. It is important to note that rule curve shall be followed except during periods of extreme drought and when public interest so requires.

When the reservoir serves two or more purposes, water allocation becomes more complex. During normal flows, the reservoir will be maintained and kept at the rule curve level. During heavy flows, the water level may be allowed to rise above the rule curve. If exceptionally high inflows are expected, the reservoir is drawn down below the rule curve before the water arrives. If low flow conditions prevail, the reservoir may be drawn down below the rule curve to release the design dependable flow to satisfy the downstream needs. During drought periods the reservoir may be completely emptied.
